Capitalism and Symphonies

Amazon Best-Seller!

Capitalism and Symphonies released in December 2020, topping the charts as the #1 Best-Seller in four categories through the Christmas Holiday.

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An anthology of short stories and my first real attempt at writing—so it’s not good to be honest—but I had fun with it and it passed the time in a sluggish Fall 2020.

Far From Frame

Feature Film Screenplay

An absurdist murder mystery about a play within a play within a film within a film that goes wrong, and a diva actor and behind-the-scenes cameraman who try to make things right.

Chicken on a Raft

Original TV Pilot Screenplay

As the Golden Age of Piracy dwindles to its inevitable death, a crew of pirates attempt a daring heist that leaves them with much more than they bargained for.

Pokemon Odyssey

Novelty Spec TV Pilot Screenplay

Pokemon is about becoming the very best… but what is the cost of greatness? An alternative take on what a live-action Pokemon show could be like.